Oh, shit.
- What the hell are you doing?
Being Gale Weathers.
What the hell are you doing?
- I am Gale Weathers.
- Here's how I see it.
I've got no house, no bodyguard,
no movie, and I'm being stalked.
Because someone wants to kill me?
No, because someone wants to kill you.
So now, starting now,
I go where you go.
That way, if someone wants
to kill me, I'll be with you.
And since they really want to kill you,
they won't kill me, they'll kill you.
- Make sense?
- None.
You know, in the movies,
I play you as being much smarter.
And as a sane person.
Foryou, that must be quite a stretch.
- That's funny.
- Ha!
- Need to get in that building?
- Yeah.
- Is there a story in that building?
- Maybe.
Gale Weathers would find a way.
Bitch. All right, wait.Just--
Don't tell me what to do.
Basements, wow.
Basements creep me out.
You'd make
a fascinating interview.
Hi. Excuse me.
I am Gale Weathers...
and I'm here researching
with the police this photo.
It was taken at the studio.
Her name is Maureen Prescott.
Back then it was probably Roberts.
- Hey, are you--
- No.
- But you look just--
- Like her?
- I've been hearing it all my life.
- It's uncanny.
I was up for Princess Leia.
I was this close.
So, who gets it?
The one who sleeps with George Lucas.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up
a-a sore subject for you.