What are these movies?
Amazombies, Space Psycho...
Creatures from the San Andreas Fault.
Horror pictures
back in Milton's heyday.
- Back in what?
- Back in what?
-John Milton.
The horror producer?
Those were his movies.
Come on, Sid.
Oh, my God!
Sidney Prescott!
Oh, my God! I'm Angelina Tyler.
I'm you! I mean, I'm not.
I mean, I was.
I-I thought-- Well,
if there's no movie...
then no one would care
if I took some souvenirs.
I may never win another role,
so these may be...
my only memories,
you know, of Hollywood.
I-I know it's weird 'cause
it's your life and all, but...
I wanted to make you proud, Sidney.
Oh. Well,
I'm sure I would've been.
The real Sidney.
The real person.
I wish--