People swallow everything.
Here's some dice.
The guy must have been to Vegas.
Got all kinds of stuff here.
This beautiful harmonica.
-Don't put that in your mouth.
-This is interesting here.
You gotta go in that way.
lt couldn't have gone in this way.
He would have noticed. A broom?
''Where'd it go?''
''Oh, forget about it.''
He's dead, and then you find it.
You know, it's all kinds of stuff like that.
This is good. Yeah.
lt's a clicker.
''Hey, honey, where's the clicker?''
''l don't know.''
''lnside me.''
Here. Look at this.
A perfectly good comb.
Grover, how would you like
to make $100,000?
Well, that's a lot of cheese.
What l gotta do?
l want people to think that l'm dead.
Yeah, you just take one of the dead bodies
and dress it up like my man Willard here.
And when they find it, they think it's him.
You think it's that easy?
l can just take up any old body...
...and give it to you?
l got filing slips!
My bodies are catalogued!
This is a tight ship!
Why don't you take some old bum
that nobody would notice?
A ''bum''?
Come on! lf you do it,
there's $100,000 for you.
Will it show up on my W2?
No, tax-free.
Good. Because why should my money
go to pave roads and build schools?
Yeah, good point. Listen. This is the plan.
Dump the body tomorrow night.
And make sure you get someone
that looks like me, okay?
No problem. Piece of cake.
Here's some clothes of mine
that you can put on him, all right?
And l got my driver's license.