It is said in the beginning
there was nothing.
Everything was pitch black.
The one in charge
said that wouldn't do.
Then there was light.
Light is good. It lets you see
the world around you.
The next day, sky appeared.
That same sky has rainbows.
And lightning too. Very interesting.
On the third day, there was water.
Water brought plants...
... and animals.
Then began the game
of survival of the fittest.
On the sixth day, He created man.
Most imperfect.
After that woman.
He thought such a big world
could accommodate one more.
But this was not the case.
It turned out this combination
was uncontrollable indeed.
On the seventh day,
He'd planned to rest.
But He had to start all over again.
He's not the only one
to start all over.
The whole world has to
do it with him too.
Do you have anything cold?
All kinds. Which do you want?
" Ice. " The happy type.
I didn't think you could smile.
What are you doing?
Buying you a drink.
I'll drink what I please.
Who needs your drink?