In this scene, the count
is reading the papers
you brought him.
And you are about to make
a considerable amount of money.
- No! No makeup!
- [ Speaking German ]
Forgive me.
Albin, clear the set.
[ Speaking German ]
[ Albin ]
[ Snorts ]
[ Murnau ]
Count, you're reading
your documents.
That's it.
It isn't right.
Well, try acting it,
for God's sake.
What should it say?
It's meant to be a contract.
A real estate contract.
- I'd like some makeup.
- Well, you don't get any.
All right.
Are we ready to begin?
[ Snorts ]
Elke, the phonograph.
[ Record Scratching ]
Ruhe, bitte. Iris in.
All right, Orlock, very good.
You're reading your papers.
Read your papers
very intensely.
After all, how often is it
that you get correspondence
from the living?
No, don't look up.
Concentrate on your papers.
Not that you actually
care about the details
of the contract.
All you're interested in
are all those juicy throats
waiting for you...
the moment
you get to Germany.
Now, Hutter, even though
it may repel you,
creep in, creep in.
Let us see the expectation
on your face.
You are about to make
the biggest sale of your life.
Point out a few details
of the contract. Yes.
Tell him that's--
that's particularly
beneficial to you.
Reach into your bag.