[ Murnau ]
Yes, Max, you may give
the locket to Elke.
Now, Gustav, this is a scene
from the previous night.
You have met your host.
He has brought you home
to his castle.
He is giving you dinner.
You can start eating.
Very well. Excellent.
And, Orlock, you're merely
reading your papers...
and totally ignoring
your guest.
Wolf, roll camera.
A thought occurs to you.
Look at your host.
Very good, Gustav.
Do you think...
he might have been the stranger
who drove you to the castle?
You watch.
Is he even human?
How does it feel
to be eating next to him...
knowing that you're
spending the night with him
in the castle alone?
You watch him.
Orlock, drop your paper.
Look at Gustav.
keep watching him.
Take your right hand
and reach for the bread knife.
Watch him.
What will happen?
Reach out,
take the loaf of bread...
and cut yourself
a slice.
Yes, slicing.
You're slicing.
Toward you.
Toward you.
Watching him.
Slicing. Slicing.
Watch out.
- Watch your... finger!
- Aah!
Look, Nosferatu, blood!
[ Grunting ]
Stop it, Murnau.
I really did cut my hand.