No, you will not.
Our bargain--
you agreed
not to hurt my people.
Listen to me.
Do you understand?
This requires that
I go back to Berlin...
to find another photographer
and to fly him back here.
And you! You will
control yourself
while I am away.
I don't think...
we need the writer any longer.
I don't expect you
to understand this,
and I am loathe
to admit it myself,
but the writer
is necessary.
All my crew
is necessary.
Do you understand?
I don't think the ship
is necessary.
The ship.
The ship.
My God, what are you
talking about?
I have a dozen scenes
on the ship.
But... I won't sail.
Then I will replace you
with a double!
I will do every scene of yours
with a double!
You, you will have no close-ups.
None whatsoever.
How dare you speak
to me that way!
I have shots!
I am the director!
[ Hisses ]
Why didn't you
mention this before?
You want to eat the writer?
Be my guest.
That will leave you
to explain how else
your character...
is supposed to
get to Bremen.
[ Grunts ]
Yes, I will...
shoot the scenes
at sea around you.
But you will still
have to sail to Heligoland
for your death scene.