when the man accidentally...
sees Dracula
setting his table.
But if you're so lonely,
why don't you
make more vampires?
I can't.
I'm too old.
I seem to remember
I was never able to.
Then how did you
become a vampire?
- It was woman.
- Now we're getting
[ Snarls ]
the German theater...
needs you.
We were together
in the night,
and then she left me.
At first, I had a painting
of her in wood,
then I had a relief
of her in marble,
and then,
I had a picture of her...
in my mind.
But now, I no longer
even have that.
What was I saying?
This schnapps they make
in these parts.
I haven't tasted it in--
Take it easy there,
old boy.