Herr Doctor!
Herr Doctor!
You wanted reality,
Herr Doctor, here it is.
Well, I'm not a doctor,
but I have dabbled
in pharmaceuticals.
- You're the new cameraman?
- Ja.
- Paul is setting up
to shoot it now.
- Good.
- Art can never move
as fast as life, huh?
- Ah, sure it can.
- So, what's the lens?
- It's 35 millimeters, sir.
Not my ideal weapon of choice,
but I suppose it will do.
- Are you loaded?
- Yes, sir.
Good, so am I. Move the camera
ten centimeters to the right,
and I'll contrive
a possible two-shot,
but wait for my signal.
[ Chattering ]
[ Yelling In German ]
- Did you get the shot?
- Yes, sir.
- And the gate is clean?
- The gate's clean, sir.
[ Shouting In German ]
[ Baby Crying ]
I hadn't time to properly
prepare the shot.
What I should have done
was film the thing
in slow motion.
It would have been
incredibly moving.
What's that, sir,
slow motion?
Well, I run the film
through the camera too fast,
then when it's projected
at normal speed,
things appear to be
unnaturally slow.
Gives everything
a kind of resonance.
It's a shame you won't have
the chance to demonstrate...
your more esoteric skills
on my production.
I'm Albin Grau,
the producer.
"And at dawn,
Hutter tried to fathom
the horrors of his nights."
Fritz, roll camera.
Iris in.