You mean jump bail again.
No doubt.
He was in the wind
for two years,Judge.
If he decides to take off again, the
mood ofthe people in this city--
Talk about the people!
We can't risk the possibility...
of waiting another two years,
two months, two days, two hours.
The District Attorney's office
is ardently opposed to bail.
- How about no bail?
- Remove that man.
- Get him out of here.
- Hey, back up, son! Back up, son!
Hey, son. Hey, yo,
you gonna get your ass twisted.
You better get off me!
Your point is well taken,
Mr. Torres.
Defendant is ordered to surrender
his passport to this court.
However, I believe
that young Mr. Wade...
is sincere in his desire to deal
with what ever form of judgment...
this room deems necessary
to deliver.
-Bail is set at one million dollars.
-My client is prepared to post bail.
Oh, no!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
- I'm out. I'm done.
- What are you, nuts?
- Come on, John. This is whack.
- Fuck the job!
- I'll get him my own goddamn way.
- Ah! Insane!
- Hey, hey!
- All right, I'm cool.
I quit.