You know,
you took a big risk...
coming here
all by yourself.
Did I?
- Yo, Peoples, can I keep this?
- No.
- Forty thousand?
- That's what I said.
But this other thing,
you can't do for me?
Not on your life.
Not on my life?
-Let me live. Let me keep that ice.
The man gonna need it
to raise some money.
You drive a hard bargain,
[L oudSlam]
[Dog Barks]
Where the fuckdidhego?
What is wrong with you, sneakin'
around behind me? You wanna die?
- Hey. Come on. Con calma, cono.
- Get in the car.
He hadthis, uh, chabo--
money belt...
stuffed with rocks.
Peoples tell him to cash it in
and, vaya que bien, done deal.
You talkin' about Walter Wade,
the white boy, right?
Si, si, anglo blanquito
from the television.
They're gonna kill
that whitegirl.