Is that relaxed?
You look sort of
rigid there.
You know what?
We got off on the wrong foot.
Let's try to start again.
Man, you sure can fight.
I've never seen anything like that.
[ Imitating Karate Yells ]
It was--
I'm trying to give you
a compliment.
You're not still mad about me pointin'
you in the wrong direction, are you?
Come on. You gotta be able
to laugh at stuff like that.
Like me in the desert. I don't
hold any grudges. I laugh about it.
I'm not angry at you. You just
left me there with chopsticks to die.
Roy, all by his lonesome. Just me
and the buzzards pickin' at my head.
You're a very silent man,
aren't you?
You weren't expecting to see
old Roy in that bar, were you?
Be honest.
Were you? Huh?
Did you really
use those chopsticks?
You better believe it.
Now you laugh. That's funny.
I gotta remember that one.
- So, who are you?
- I'm Imperial Guard
to the Emperor of China.
- What's with the book?
- The book belongs to Princess Pei Pei.
- Who?
- Princess Pei Pei.
She was kidnapped
from the Forbidden City.
Forbidden City?
I like that, the Forbidden City.
A princess kidnapped.
It's so mysterious. Oh, go ahead.
The emperor sent us
to get her back.
Us? You mean your friends
from the train?
They are also Imperial Guards.
They have four days to bring
the gold to Carson City.