Tell you one thing-- I'd hate
to think of an innocent member. ..
of Chinese nobility
Tell you that.
You people believe in karma
over there, right?
Well, I've been thinking.
There must be a reason why
we keep running into each other.
I've ridden with some terrible men--
just people I couldn't trust.
But when I
look at you,
there's something different
about you, and I can see it.
I can see it
in your eyes.
It's what the Indians
call Chippichawa.
- What's that?
- Chippichawa is nobility.
And you have it
in spades.
You've got yourself a partner.
This has nothing to do with gold, okay?
[ Spits ]
Shake on it.
Why you spitting
in your hand?
Well, it's customary,
to seal the deal.
- Come on. Let's go.
- [ Spits ]
This is gonna be
a long journey.
You boys take care now, you hear?
- Shalom.
- Oh. Let's go.
Looks like y'all had a twister
touch down in here. [ Laughs ]
- Roy O'Bannon and his partner
come through town.
- Roy O'Bannon?
Roy O'Bannon ain't got no partner,
friend. Roy O'Bannon is dead.