I don't know
much about clothes
I'm not up on clothes
It's cute
Are you shooting...
It's moving
Happy on the train?
Happy on the train with you
I've never been here
The unknown
Yeah, it's exciting
The streetcar is a perfect means
of escape from the tedium of my days
The scenery flows by cinematically
The sound effects are punctual
My fantasy about her expands
I won't be bored for some time
Our idle routine, the days I spend
with her, like a lukewarm bath,
her faint smile,
all seem to agree with me
Each day, a countdown
towards death
I dare not risk negligence
All the more reason
to film her, I think
lmages, especially animation,
simply embody our
personal and collective fantasies,
manipulating selected information,
and fictional constructs
Even live-action film, recording
actuality, does not correspond to reality
Conversely, reality, co-opted
by fiction, loses its value