Next, the roof
So, this is the roof
Wow, it's high...
This is where she always
checks herself
You know what tomorrow is?
Yeah, your birthday, right?
Each day, she postpones the morrow,
by transforming today to yesterday
A typical day in her life
the 9th day 22 days remain
She never goes to sleep
before dawn
But awakening before 6AM,
she dials and listens to the time
As far as I can tell,
she hardly sleeps at all
You II die
Hey, go to sleep!
Aren't you sleepy?
Don't you want to sleep?
I'm scared to sleep
When I close my eyes
and sleep, something really
heavy seems to crush my head
I push it away and away and away,
but it keeps bearing down
I can't avert my eyes
And so I don't sleep
I faint
But I like tomorrow coming
Because tomorrow...
You know what tomorrow is?
Your birthday, right?
Terrified to face the truth,
she rejects even sleep