Not that there is actual truth in
the ambiguity of human memory
Her best and only means
of survival depends on her
destruction and renewal of memory
Certainly many more days bear
forgetting than joyful commemoration
What is it that i want from her?
You'd better get some sleep
You're shooting again tomorrow...
the 10th day 21 days remain
Again, today, I record her image
Because I find in the act
of capturing her being
according to my own will, for my
own purpose, relief from my own life
lmages transform my
real past into fiction
Each of us edits and
alters our memories
By giving form and existence
to this process through images,
I reinvent my past,
whitewashing it,
into an idealized history
Re-creating the present
as something invulnerable,
as a world of
fiction and fantasy
We are the same
Oniy our methods differ
Look what I found
What's that, throw it away
Do you read this stuff too?
No I don't
I don t
I am not
Why not?
Well, I read the softer stuff
You do read it
Like Playboy, or whatever
' Females drowning in their lust,
coming wherever they please... '