engendering her complex reactions
to the phenomenon called rain
What is the sadness
that she harbors?
No doubt the
deaths in her family
In this moment
I acknowledge
yet again, that in
her heart, she yearns
to cease existing
the 12th day 19 days remain
A brand new
morning s here
A morning of hope
Open your heart with joy
Look up at the sky
Open your vibrant heart
to the song on the radio
to the fragrant breeze
Now, 1, 2, 3...
i'm OK again today
Having something to hold onto
when you're scared
is good enough in itself
And this is my
ritual space
It always has to be flooded
It's a really sacred place
But as of today, it's open
The Director can come and go
Videocamera OK
Not the other one?
This one's cooler
An umbrella here
Don't you need it?
As of today... this
What's that?
A videocamera
Did you ever have fun?