Small Time Crooks

Denny's kickin' in six, Tommy's kickin'
in six, and I gotta put in my six.

- Where are those bums gonna get
that kind of stake? -They're not bums.

- Maybe they didn't go to Harvard.
- Harvard?

They never completed kindergarten
because they were drafted.

You're such a snob, Frenchy.
For God's sakes! Denny's not
stupid'cause he drives a truck.

No, he's stupid because he has
a low I.Q. Come on, out of the way.

- Oh, I'd like to just flatten you once!
- Oh, yeah.

Tommy's got street smarts.
He is street smart.
His brain's got potholes.

You with the wisecracks!
She's got an answer for everything.

Forget it!
I'm not spending our last few bucks!

I got my end.
I told you I could match you.

You overmatched him.
He can't get his end.

I've gotta have that money!

For a heist? Pass. Maybe
if you needed a quadruple bypass.

- This is a brilliant thing!
- No, Ray really is a genius!

- Compared to you this chair is a genius.
- This is a plan of a great mind.

This is precise, mathematical. It's hard
to believe you're just a dishwasher.

Thank you.
I don't get your "agreeance" on this,
I count to three, there's gonna be trouble.

You can count to 53! I did a lot of nails
for that money, and it's all we got.

- That's what you want to do all your
life? Nails? -Take a hike, okay?

- I'm telling you, I'm countin'.
- Oh, yeah?

- Lf I lose it, you're gone.
- Oh, I'm quaking in my panty hose.

You're embarrassing me
in front of my friends.

- Who said you could have my cookies?
- I can't have a cookie?

- What's up?
- Did you get your share?

My share of what?
Yeah, I got it. I sold some stuff.

- What'd you sell?
- A rented car.

- He can't get his end. She won't give
it to him. - I can get my end!

The candy didn't work? You said you'd
have her eatin' out of your hand.

Will you shut up?
All that's missing from this guy
is a piece of velvet and a pet mouse.

Frenchy, gimme the money.
I wouldn't invest our last six thou
if you had a legit idea...

...much less something that's gonna
land the three of you jerks back in stir.

You said you called the shots
around here.

Will you knock it off!
Frenchy, that money's mine.
