What about my cousin May?
We can trust her.
May's a dodo. I'm gonna bring
a dodo into a master plan?
She's not a squealer.
She's not a squealer,
but then we'd have to cut her in.
Meanwhile, the pot's getting
smaller and smaller.
I can't cook and sell
at the same time.
It's a madhouse.
We'll get caught.
Hey, wait a minute.
You know what we could do?
We could hire May and
not tell her what we're doin'.
'Cause she'll never catch on.
She's got, you know... And, and...
- We're making enough dough from the
cookies to pay her. - Absolutely!
We give her a small salary. She'll never
figure out or catch wise to anything.
Because if you think
Denny and Tommy are slow...
...your cousin May is dumb
like a horse, or dog or something.
Well, maybe it's not
such a great idea.
No, I think we could do it.
- Where are we? Right here?
- We're supposed to be here.
Excuse me. Where's the sugar?
Frenchy wants more sugar.
May, stop bothering us.
We're busy.
I just don't understand
about the drilling.
I told you. Business is good.
We're expanding.
We're expanding a little restaurant
and tea shop...
...so people could eat the cookies
and drink tea.
Ah. Where are they gonna drink the tea?
In the tunnel?
I'd explain it to you,
but you gotta understand engineering.
- What's engineering?
- May, do me a favor, will you?
Business is good, we're expanding.
That's all you gotta know.
How can you expand?
There's a nail shop next door.
- We made a deal with them.
- So you're expanding into the nail shop.
May, get your stuff.
You want the sugar?
Take a hike.
Get the sugar and go. We'll call you.
This broad's big trouble.
I'm tellin'you.
- You think it's safe having that strange
broad here? -Don't worry, she's harmless.
I think we made a wrong turn. I don't
think we're still headed to the bank.
- Please. Gimme the map.
- What are you talking about?