For God's sakes.
This is fine. I don't know what
you're all in a dither about.
You're holding it
upside down.
I am?
You were reading this map
upside down all along?
Get off my back! Can I help it
if they print these things like this?
Thank you very much.
I gotta get another plate
of the cherry...
- Can I help you? Next?
- I'm coming right back.
- Can I get two cherry cinnamon?
- Two cherry cinnamon.
- How you doin'?
- We're doing something right.
- Next.
- Sure. Two cherry cinnamon.
- You're new here, huh?
- Not really. This is my first day.
Let me tell you something. These are
the greatest cookies I ever tasted.
- Really? You know, we're expanding.
- No kiddin'?
Yeah. There's some guys
in the back working now.
- We got a tunnel under the nail shop.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Did you try the pecan fudge?
- We were just talking about what an
instant success this place is. - Yes.
- I was telling him about the restaurant.
- What restaurant?
The tea room. You know, the guys in
the back tunneling for the tea room...
- Under the nail shop?
- What are you talking about?
- The tea room in the back.
- May, come and serve these people!
We're at the Sunset Bake Shop
where the lines wait patiently...
...for what some people are calling the
most fabulous cookie treat in New York.
What the hell is goin' on here?
And you are the heart and soul
of Sunset Cookies.
- Miss, uh...
- Frenchy Winkler.
My real name's Frances
but everybody calls me Frenchy.
As one stands here,
one can inhale the aroma...
My God!
...of hot chocolate, cinnamon, fresh cherries
and a dozen other mouthwatering taste treats.
Is it true customers wait on line
for half an hour for a single cookie?
- That you've had to ration sales?
- Yeah, it happened like once.
But what're you making
all the fuss about?
Tell us. Where did you learn
the rare secret of your baking?
Well, I don't know.
It's the only thing I can cook.
That and linguini
with turkey meatballs.
Sir, how would you describe
your cookie?
Oh, I don't know.
It's baked with nutmeg or something.