That's very... It's a cookie store.
We're making dough...
I get it, I get it.
I knew we were going
the wrong way. I knew it!
- What the hell we doin' in a dress shop?
- Your fault, you got the maps.
At least it's a Sunday. We can
patch this up and get out of here.
- How we gonna patch it up?
- We tile it and we get out.
- Hello! I'm not a tiler.
- We don't have any tiles.
Where do you get cement
in the middle of a dress shop?
Besides, Brain, how are we going
to close the hole and tile it?
We're inside the store.
How do we get out?
Well, you tile... He's got a point.
You can't tile this from the other side.
- No kidding.
- No, you can't.
This is very discouraging, guys.
- I'm ready to pack this in.
- Everybody freeze!
Hey, Ray, your wife's cousin
talks too much.
Sorry to spoil
your expansion plans, fellas.
Officer, listen to me.
We didn't do anything yet. Yes,
it's true, we were gonna rob the bank.
But we screwed up everything,
except for the cookie shop.
The cookie shop's doing great
for some reason. You like the cookies.
Let us forget everything we were gonna
do and concentrate on the cookie store.
Look, I'm not here trying to ruin
anybody's life, okay?
Then give us a break.
Think I could get
a little piece of the action?
Yeah. I'm not opposed
to paying off the cops.
It's a standard
business expense.
That's the thing. I don't want you
to think of it as a payoff.
I think I'm qualified
to make what I believe...