Small Time Crooks

Like Tommy Walker,
the chairman of the board.

Frenchy makes the best cookies in the
world. We're very proud of her cookies.

What are your duties
as chairman of the board?

The board meets once or twice a week,
and we take up important issues.

- Issues?
- Yeah. Facts, problems.

Things like that.
Normal stuff.

What kind of problems does an overnight
success like Sunset Farms face?

What kind of problems? Last week the
toilet on the fourth floor wouldn't flush.

It flushed, but the water
kept coming to the top.

So the board voted
on getting a plumber.

One of the architects of Sunset Farms's
unorthodox marketing strategy...

:32:35 the head of advertising, Denny
Doyle, a former truck driver.

Was it you who came up with
the idea to advertise baked goods...

:32:43 Playboy, Penthouse
and Hustler Magazine?

I figured if a guy's staring
at a naked piece of tail...

...and he sees the breasts and legs,
he's gonna start to salivate.

It's human nature.
So if he's salivating...

...he turns the page and
comes across a picture of, say,

...our pistachio cream cookies.
He thinks maybe that's why
he's drooling. You understand?

It's psychology.
It's science.

It's like Pablo's Theory, you know,
with the dog when he feeds him?

- Pablo?
- Pablo, with the dogs.

Then there's ex-police
officer Ken Deloach...

in charge of distribution.

And Ben Jamin Borkowski, vicepresident
in charge of plant safety.

First thing I did was make sure
the building was fireproof.

And lest they be accused
of being a mostly male club...

May Sloan is in charge of public
relations and also physical therapy.

I understand
public relations.

But physical therapy?
All the chocolate chips
are put in the cookies by hand.

And that's really hard on the back
and leg muscles. I do deep massage.

By the way,
she's also a vice president.

So there you have it. A brief glimpse
into a corporate culture...

...that has industry leaders and management
analysts all over the country...

...scratching their heads, trying to figure
out what Sunset Farms might try next.
