This is excruciating.
Can you believe the two
of them? Ican't keep a straight face.
And what she's done
with this apartment?
The sheer flawless vulgarity
of it all!
- She must've been frightened by a leopard.
- Don't knock it.
They plan on being very generous,
and for that we must be thankful.
And what about the harp?
- Not to mention the way she wears her clothes.
- The definition of bad taste.
Oh, I'd say so.
I never saw so much jewelry.
It makes me sad, Frenchy, that I don't
have to steal anymore. Really.
What's the matter?
You've been quiet all night.
What is bothering you?
What's bothering me is
we got no class.
Speak for yourself.
I was very charming tonight.
I was killin' them
with jokes.
I got a little drunk from the wine,
so I went to sit down in the bar.
Some of them were in there
talking about us.
You should've heard'em.
And they were right.
Stop it! We got more dough
than all of'em put together.
Well, it ain't dough.
It's knowing the finer things.
Like what? Opera?
Like food and wine,
and painting, and books.
Stop it, will ya?
I'm unimpressed.
All my life I've been ignorant.
I could never afford to learn anything.
There was always some emergency,
and I was a good student.
I was a lousy student and I always
hated school. And I don't care about it.
If I could find my school principal
today, now that I got some dough...
...I'd put a contract out on her.
Class is something
you can't fake and you can't buy.
I got more class in my little finger
than they all got combined.
No. We came into a couple of bucks,
but we're phonies.
- We're trying to act like big shots.
- Not me!
Well, me. But it's over.
The time has come to use our dough
to amount to something.
- Like what?
- To change our lives.
I'm too busy to change my life.
Doin' what?
Playing pinball?
I don't wanna wear a tux anymore.
I don't like it.
- I wanna go to Florida and swim.
- I wanna be the real thing!