- And it's causin' me to lose Frenchy.
- What do you mean?
I mean, she's outgrowing me.
That's just what she said.
She's like
a different person now.
I think she's developing a crush
on her teacher David.
Yeah. Well, you know,
he's very good-Iooking...
...and he's bright and very
charming and very elegant.
Okay, May, I got the picture.
It's all right.
You know, my God, you really know
how to make a guy feel good.
- Well, when you're right, you're right.
- Thank you.
What did you think of her playing?
I just gotta tell ya, I thought
the whole evening was apocalyptic.
- Apocalyptic? Really?
- Yes! I really was agog.
Well, me too.
I mean, she's fabulous.
She's fabulous and I have to
asseverate, she deserves accolades.
- Frances, you've been memorizing the
dictionary. - Yeah, I got the "A's".
Next week the "B's".
How do I look?
I have to say that that dress
is just... gorgeous on you.
See? Your influence.
Low key, right?
That's a very
flattering thing to say.
- Ray thinks it's dullsville.
- David?
- Page! -Wasn't her choice of
the Rachmanin off inspired?
- Wasn't it? We loved it. - At first I
thought it might incur my animadversion.
- But soon I realized it was apposite.
- Aha, I think I see drinks.
- Good to see you, David.
- Nice meeting you.
- Thank you very much.
- I love your friends, David.
They're so bright and cultured
and refined. It's another world.
Well, it's a world
I know you'd love to belong to.
- Ah, this looks a lot more civilized.
- Beautiful.
Let's take a seat over here.
Anything we get,
Cody's in for his full share.
That's how it is.
- You know why I respect Cody Jarrett?
- Why?
- Because he loves his mother.
- I can understand that, May.
Because even though he's a vicious,
coldblooded, psychopathic killer...
...and she encourages him,
still it's sweet.