-He's here.
-Well, you explain it to him.
-What you doing?
-The case was attached to his arm.
So why didn't you chop it off?
We ain't fucking butchers, Boris.
But he has the case.
Look, we--
Well, you have a problem.
There weren't much cash
at the bookies.
Here is the 10 grand.
No. Keep it. We want this.
Well, at least half of this.
What was in the case was mine.
What was in the bookies was yours.
lt wasn't much, but here is
the 10 large to help the situation.
No, l'm afraid
it's too late for that.
We want half of this, and that's
because we're being generous.
We could, by all rights, keep
the whole fucking stone, Boris.
Watch out!
Drop the gun, fat boy.
You fucking idiots.
He could not know my name.
Give me the stone.
-lt's in the case.
lt's in the case.
You put the stone in the case?
Open it and give me the stone.
The only man who knew
the combination, you just shot.