He's as strong as an ox.
He's sleeping perfectly,
stitches and all.
-How are you?
-Fine, thank you.
He asked for you.
He doesn't like you being
with your daughter.
-ls there any problem?
Things happen.
I understand.
I'll let you see him.
Maybe you can calm him down.
-Ana, she's going to go in.
-Thank you.
The doctor told me to go,
that I wasn't needed.
Maria wanted me
to go to her place
to rest...
But I can stay here
if you want.
Stupid old woman!
I told you not to eat it.
And you go out
and do it here!
And I have
to clean up your shit!
-Excuse me.
-lt's all right.
-I can dry it off.
-You don't need to.