How much, Julia?
-How much have you got?
-1,400 and...
30 more...
You need
-355 more.
-Put it on my bill.
-I'll pay you as soon as I get back.
-Whenever you want.
Thank you, Miss.
And you, too.
I'll give it right back.
That lady's not from here.
She just arrived,
she's strange...
-What have you got today?
-Let's see. The wine...
Some beef loin...
Another plant?
And when you go?
I'll leave them.
Plants are good company.
I don't have time
to look after them.
-Just water them...
-I had some, they died.
I'll find a place for them.
The doctor says your dad
can go to a room tomorrow.
The doctor takes good
care of your father.
It's his job.
He has a good heart.
It's easy with money.
Many rich people
don't have one.
Neither do the poor.
No one has a good heart.
Especially here.
Everyone here just looks
out for their own pocket.
-Good and bad people are everywhere.
-Tell me another day.
Some respect for your mother!
But you say some things...
You're just
like your father.
Then leave him.
Want me to go?
-I didn't say that.
-I asked you.