-Rosemary or flower scent?
-Rose water.
Go to sleep.
I've got delicate
rich girl's hands.
You always said that.
I should have been rich.
You didn't want to work.
Who does?
People should
be born twice.
Once rich and once poor.
So the rich will know poverty,
and the poor can enjoy life.
What if you
had another life?
If I had another life,
I'd only change one thing.
Give me one.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Look at this.
I'm bad with meat, but
I'm great at buying fish.
Looks fresh.
Looks? This bass swam
right to the fish shop.
It died in my hands.
Something this good
needs a good cook.
Well... I can cook it if I
get back early from the hospital.
What time?