Space Cowboys

112,000 feet and I feel fine!
You've always got to push things
to the limit.

That's what I do best, Frank.
Get off me!
Come on, you guys! Break it up!
Come on.
Is that smoke I smell?
Looks like a fire out by Ridgecrest.
We crashed the X-2.
My 4-million-dollar X-2?
Is that the X-2 you're referring to?
We did break both speed
and altitude records, sir.

And beat the free-fall mark
by 30,000 feet.

Three planes in ten months.
That's bound to be a record too.

The engine failed. The aircraft went
in a flat spin. We couldn't recover.

But you made it.
That's the important thing.
And you made it...
...just in time, Frank.
Ladies and gentlemen of the press...
...I'm Major Bob Gerson, United States
Air Force, and I hold in my hand...

...a directive from the president
of the United States of America.

It reads:
"Effective immediately,
the Air Force's involvement...

:06:49 outer atmosphere
testing and exploration...

:06:52 hereby terminated.
A new civilian agency...
...the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, is this day chartered.
