Space Cowboys

Once upon a time, four of the best
pilots in the U.S. Air Force...

...trained to fly into space.
They flew at the speed of sound
to the very top of the sky...

...cheating death and free-falling
from 20 miles high.

Nice to see you, young man.
- And you, sir.
- Reverend.

It's nice to have
you young people here.

Hey, boss.
Excuse me, my former boss.
I bring glad tidings, Reverend Tank,
in the name of Team Daedalus.

It seems there might be
resurrection after all.

Come in and let's talk about it.
I don't know, Frank.
That's a very complicated proposition.

- I have a flock and grandchildren.
- They'll be here when you get back.

This'll give you material
for three or four more sermons.

- I'll need to pray about this.
- Could it be a quick prayer?

Just wait a moment,
my stiff-necked brother.

I'm receiving a word from on high.
And what is that word?
The word is, why the hell not?
There you go.
Second one's too fast.
Some little Johnny
will pass out on us there.
