- He said no, huh?
- He's not coming.
Maybe we should talk to him.
He's the same stubborn jackass
he always was.
And you still drive slower than a
little old lady on her way to church.
That is enough to send the astronaut
miles and miles in space.
So what if I was to jump
on a trampoline in space?
You would go up and up and up...
...and you'd never come down!
Could you hit a baseball to the moon?
Actually, you could.
You'd just have to knock it
halfway there.
That's just about 100,000 miles.
And then the moon's gravity
does the rest.
- Okay? Bye-bye.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you, Mrs.Holland.
I've never met a kid who didn't dream
of being an astronaut.
Ever meet a kid
that wouldn't grow up?
Sara Holland this is William Hawkins,
retired Air Force colonel.
The best pilot they ever had,
next to me.
The Hawk. I've heard of you.
Commander Jenkins told me a story
about you and him in Vietnam.