With you,
the glass is always half empty.
These men you are sending up,
they're not astronauts.
The last time they trained for a space
mission, cars had fins on them.
The truth is Frank Corvin's
not going anywhere.
His team's not gonna pass
the physical trials.
This is supposed to reassure me?
What will you do then?
My best young astronaut
is training alongside Corvin...
...gaining proficiency
in that antiquated guidance system.
Until he does, Frank Corvin's
gonna believe he's going up.
I don't know.
- We should consult--
- There will be no goddamn consulting.
No one, and I mean no one,
is to be in the loop...
...on our little problem.
Do I make myself perfectly clear,
Good morning, all.
And welcome to STS-200 ops
overview briefing.
This is an unusual mission,
I think we'd all agree.
We'll get started
on the particulars here in a moment.
First, let's welcome the astronauts
selected for this mission:
The founding members
of Project Daedalus.
As you all know, these men
are the pioneers of this business.
They were around
when rockets were born.
Welcome, gentlemen.
STS-200 was originally slated
to deliver a structural payload...
...to the International Space Station.
Circumstances have forced us to push
back that mission and undertake...