That's bad because?
He wouldn't say that. Look:
'Sister, I've just come from a fire.
There're things I want to think out. '
Come on. Come on.
'Leave me alone' a gesture, all right?
- What else?
- Page three.
'Lt's a nice evening. ' I'm not going
to say that 'It's a nice evening. '
- Come on.
- Yeah, come in.
Joe, good. You know Bob?
I grew up on your movies.
You mind if I don't
go through the usual bullshit
about how much I loved it?
I mean Ok, fine.
But it's a motion picture.
- You'll bore them to death.
- Come in.
I brought your sandwich.
Thanks, honey. Next time,
bring two, save yourself a trip.
The people came to see
a motion picture.
- Hold on.
- No, no. You can go.
Page five:
The fucking horse dies.
- She could be in the movie.
- Oh, boy
She's got a good face.
She could be the doctor's...
Why does it have to be his wife?
It could be...
Bob, stick to business, will you?
- Can we do that?
- You're absolutely right.
You go start
with that stuff in this town...
Hey, everybody needs a hobby.
Okay, look. Page...
You know Bob Barrenger?
I just saw Desert Sun.
I want to tell you...
No, I was just learning on it.
How'd you like working
with Richard Hill?
- Oh, I loved it.
- He's a real...
Joe White.
How can I thank you?
How can I repay you for this part?
Thank you for this part.
The first scene at the old mill...
Joe's been having some thoughts
about the old mill scene, Claire.
What is there to think about?
The scene is perfect.
I get to say...
Yeah, but, Joe's been, well,
he's been having a few thoughts.