Did you see the grosses
for Gandhi 2?
Yeah. Come in.
Oh, good.
I just...
Prices are going up.
That's the way of the world, isn't it?
Everybody's got to eat.
Way of the world.
Well, I'm being pretty impolite.
Would you like some?
I don't eat vegetables.
I could offer you
something to drink.
Sure, what have you got?
What do you drink?
Bourbon and milk.
How old are you?
I hope you wouldn't tell anyone
that I gave this to you.
I would never tell anyone anything
that happened between
me and my friend.
Nice town you got here.
We could see it a lot better
from the roof.
Wouldn't that be dangerous?
Not if you have something
to hold on to.
The requirement is
you tell me what the shot is.
Because if you cannot
tells me what is it...
how can I take pictures of it?
Wally wants me to
push in through the window.
How can I push in
through the window?