In a communist country, if one makes
an accusation, this is what occurs.
It's a mistake. I'm sorry
that we've inconvenienced you.
I wasn't in the car.
We know. We're all
aware of that.
Because you treat me
like a child.
You treat me like a child.
That's why I can't come!
I'm out here
in the middle of nowhere...
He took advantage of me.
- I'm a bit confused.
- I'll straighten you out.
- Could you see these folks home?
- Yes, sir.
She's upset and impressionable.
Get me my law book and the mayor.
I was just talking to that girl.
- Overcome by recent events...
- I never touched her.
The presence of
a high-powered fantasy object.
- We were discussing the script.
- You might want to get dressed.
I don't understand the problem.
I want to go home.
- If somebody would enlighten me.
- That's what I'm here for.
The criminal code
has provisions...
Adolescence is a difficult time.
A time of dreams.
Many young folks
dream of Hollywood. I did.
And here
Hollywood has come to you.
She said
she was studying phonics.
Jack, I'll need
her birth certificate.
- I swear that that girl in my room...
- Be quiet, Bob!
It's called a script conference!
You have a fertile mind.
We can use people like that.
You said you were
doing your homework.
If that's not true,
you're grounded...
- Can we get him home, please?
- For weeks and weeks.
- I...
- I don't think so.
If you think I'm fooling,
wait until we're home.
There's a part in our movie...
Don't speak to the complainant.
There's a part in our movie,
a young girl. Right, Marty?
Okay, here it is.
Statutory rape.
At the beginning
of any relationship...
Keep him away from me
until the end of time.
'Unsupported testimony
of the complainant's '
You travel
with the statutes on rape?
'Conflicting statements,
a coerced accusation. '