Stay with me. Stay with me.
- Morning, Doc.
- Morning, Billy. Where you headed?
Down the corner, see the ruckus.
Watch the curbs, now.
Good morning.
Where you off to?
I'm leaving.
I perjured myself.
I told a lie and I ruined my life.
That's what I did.
I don't suppose
you could help me with that?
To turn back
the clock or something?
You know? Give me back my...
Give me back my purity.
I don't suppose you could wave
your magic wand and do that?
For what is truth?
Isn't that the thing?
What is true?
The truth is you never should trust
anybody wears a bow tie.
A cravat's supposed to point down
to accentuate the genitals.
Why do you want to
trust somebody whose
tie points out
to accentuate his ears?
Aren't you supposed to
set an example for people?
Just supposed to hold their hands
while they die.
What'd you say
your problem was?
Morning, Chrissy.
How's the back?