
Five miles of fibre optics
sort of spoils the spirit of competition,
don't you think, Sweetie?

When I reprogrammed her for this tour,
I put some human traits
into her personality profile.

I sort of wanted them to find out
because it'd really piss them off.

But if they ever do,
I'm dead.
I'm assuming you're not
gonna turn me in...

You don't know me well enough
to make that assumption.

Your deal.
My analysis ofCopilot Vanzant's vital
signs suggests a very high probability

that he will turn you in, Benjamin.
I'm not gonna turn you in.
The laserpulse is focused into
a surgical-quality beam

capable ofthe mostprecise incisions.
- Hello, doctor. Mind if I sit down?
- What if I do?

- Following orders - get to know the crew.
- So, the Zyracon worked.

I act nice and you want the credit?
You act nice,
modern medicine gets the credit.

I've found staying clean is sort of like
staying alive. You either are...

or you aren't.
Count them. They're all there.

Since we don't bring out
the pleasant side in each other,

tell me what the hell
bothers you so much about me.

I don't like Hazen.
It's not just a type-H mind-altering escape.
I don't like what it does to people who
take it, I don't like what they do to others.

- I used to know someone...
- I'm not someone.

Didn't say you were.
There's nothing I can do
to change the past, yours or mine.
