
What have we got?
Signal received.
SOS, critical.
The signal's degraded.
It's taken five days to get here.

Dispatch misrouted it?
This isn't from dispatch. It's a direct call.
Direct? We don't get direct. Origin?
Pohl 6822.
I'm getting a little more.
Call letters for a merchant enterprise.
It's Titan 37.
It's a mining operation.
This is way past the colony outpost.
Sweetie, pull up all records
on Titan 37, Pohl 6822.

Titan 37: lunarmining operation.
This moon was expelled from orbit
around its original starsystem

- and is now classified as a rogue body.
- Rogue moon.

There's a lot of gravitational
instability in that sector.

Mining operation was abandoned
when rogue moon drifted
into unmapped space.

Complete crew evacuation
five years, three months ago.

An SOS from an abandoned mine?
Distance to distress call location:
3,432 light years.

If we wanna answer this call
in our lifetimes we'll have to jump.

We haven't jumped in three tours.
I'm not jumping this crew
for anything uncertain.

I want a name with some authority.
If there is none, this is a no-go.
Scanning foridentification.
Transmission signature:
Karl James Larson.

Karl Larson!
You know him?
Worst nightmare I ever met.
Mr Vanzant, plot us a course, please.
Yes, sir.
Dimension drive fully charged.
Call it, Sweetie.
All crew, prepare forrescue operation
via dimensionjump.
