Captain Marley?
This is Trans Soma
medical rescue vessel Nightingale 229
hailing Trans Soma
mining operation Titan 37.
Repeat: this is Trans Soma
medical rescue vessel
Nightingale 229 hailing Trans Soma
mining operation Titan 37.
Oh. Did I wake you?
I thought you might be reading or...
Anyway, I managed to bring on board
a fairly good bottle of pear brandy,
and I thought,
in the spirit of friendship,
maybe we could share a glass.
- It's all right. We'll...
- Lemme see the bottle.
How do you think they get that in there?
They put the bottles on the branches
so that the buds are inside
and the pears grow right in them.
Then, when they're ripe,
they pick the bottles,
pour in the brandy and...
Of course, the real question is
how the hell you get it out.