We were hit in our main tank when
we jumped into this high-gravity field.
We lost most of our fuel.
The good news is we've got enough left
for our docking thrusters.
They'll stop us incinerating
till the dimension drive recharges.
Then we can dimension-jump home -
but we'll be cutting it close.
How close?
1 1 minutes.
Are you telling us that we can't jump
until 1 1 minutes before we burn?
I'm telling you we have 1 1 minutes.
It's enough.
I've gotten out of worse situations before.
This ship is going to be fine.
- We have no margin for error!
- Then we won't make any.
L-class transpor ship deparing
Titan lunarmining operation.
They must be evacuating.
Sweetie, track that.
Attention. Transpor ship has locked on
to our communication signal.
Prepare for intercept.
Suit up.
No response from pilot.
Transpor ship is on automatic approach.
You OK?
When you said you'd been in worse
situations, were you telling the truth?
Sure. When the ship was falling
and the engines cut out, that was worse.
We'll be fine.
Warning. Fire on board approaching
vessel. lt must dock immediately.
Approaching vessel,
engage docking thrusters.
Repeat, please engage docking thrusters.
Can't spare the fuel for a hover.
We'll catch her on a roll.
Speed still increasing.
Excessive rate ofapproach.
Sterilisation bay?
- Check.
- We're taking a little hit when it docks.
Thanks for letting us know.
15 seconds to impact.
- Still no reply from approaching ship.
- He's running silent.
Or unconscious.