Bridge. One patient, male, early 20s,
traumatised, unconscious but stable.
And this isn'tthe person
who sent the call.
Run that by me one more time.
This isn't Karl Larson.
Meet me on the bridge when you can.
Benjamin, start a full
systems check on the ship.
Right, sir.
There's some kind of
growth on his bone structure.
These matrices. It looks almost as if
his bones are strengthening themselves.
Radiation explosion.
No, much too normal for that.
Note it as a minor anomaly.
Most scanners wouldn't even detect it.
No indication for treatment at this time.
He's as healthy as a horse.
Keep him under observation.
- Why didn't you tell me before?
- It was personal.
- Nothing that affects safety is personal.
- So I know a man who calls Trans Soma.
He didn't call Trans Soma. He called
the Nightingale. It was a direct call.
- Tell me what's going on.
- I can't.
I can't because I don't know.
I know a Karl James Larson,
but this isn't him.
He had a son. I saw a photoscan of him.
There's a strong resemblance.
I'd guess it's him, but I can't say for sure.
I haven't seen Karl for five years.
When he and I were finished,
I couldn't have children.
I joined Trans Soma
to get away from him.
Now, is there anything else
that you need to know?