Of course I didn't tell you.
I'm a treasure hunter.
There's two parts to that job -
finding it and keeping it.
And keeping it's a lot harder!
I intercepted a stray transmission
three years ago.
Ice miners.
They'd dug something up
on a rogue moon.
I didn't know what it was,
but I didn't need to.
Just knowing where was enough. Frozen.
In the middle of a rogue moon.
I knew whatever they'd found
was a lot older than that moon.
So I did the research, grabbed
some of my friends, and we went hunting.
And then I found the Titan 37.
There were no signs of the miners,
no signs of anything.
My friends blamed me
and they took my ship.
I stayed on, took my time,
searching every inch
and then searching again.
And then I found the treasure.
And now there's nothing to stop us.
- Us?
- Yeah, us.
You know how much
the government'll pay for this?
Who knows what new technologies
it could lead to?
We'll all be in on it.
If you guys help me out here,
I'll cut you in for five per cent.
- Each.
- Five per cent each, huh?
How about we give you that?
I found it last.
Am I missing something?
We don't even know what it is.
It's either human-made or it's not.
It's not man-made.
It was buried in an ice moon.
Look, there's no question. This is it.
Primary contact.
- It's been a dream for thousands of years.
- Exactly.
I'm not sure we shouldn't
blow it out the closest airlock.
Do you have any idea
what you're saying?
I'm saying I don't know what it is,
and nothing you've said indicates you do.
Maybe it is an alien artefact,
maybe it's a magic trick.
Maybe it's a distillation of knowledge,
maybe it's just a toy - an alien child's toy.