What is your problem?
What's taking you so long?
I haven't had the right chance.
Then right chance?
You love her, don't you?
Don't be ridiculous!
Ridiculous? Just do it.
What are you quarrelling about?
Come in.
You. Barber. Out of here.
Here's the plan.
Her father's got a new girl
on Wednesday.
He'll send Moudan
to her aunt's, as usual.
Take her to the building
Keep her there.
We would go to get the money
Wait for my call. That's it.
After that,
you can do whatever you like.
I know you're involved with this girl.
Maybe we shouldn't trust you.
And what if I don't want to do it now?
Don't push your luck.
The girl is rather pretty, isn't she?
You do like her, don't you?