-The Pastis?
-The soccer match!
You're a big bunch of nerds!
Our anti-gang training base!
The Japs have a problem
with Jacuzzi... Yakuza
who are even kidnapping
members of government.
The Defense Secretary
visited England, Germany and France.
Let's get one thing clear:
the Krauts and Limeys
mustn't win the contract.
Let's make this World Cup II!
I put together a detailed operation
which I will now explain.
I called it ...
He's got no more ammo!
Suddenly... no more ammo!
Well, that's only natural.
Yeah, only natural.
I turn to Raymond.
Here it is.
I shake him.
"Raymond, your ammo!"
I say. No answer!
I shake him again.
he falls sideways. Dead!
-My whole unit!
I'm alone.
Armored car's on fire
radio's out...
My flask's half-empty!
Oh, no! So, then what?
-I prayed!
-Well done!
That's all I could do.
Only a miracle'd save me!
A miracle! We're saved!
No! Now what? Get that, hon.
I'm in battle!
Edmont, the red phone!
The red phone?
Excuse me.
General Bertineau speaking.