could drive this baby!
Take him away! No it's OK.
Told you!
Never mind.
No one'll see.
Go on! Ninja!
-How do you stop it?
-You just have to say "Nip".
The mission is simple. We prepared a demonstration...
Get it? With fake attacks!
Like the ghost train?
Yes, so as to impress the Nip,
Above all, don't worry.
Let things happen.
-If the Nip...
-Don't play while I'm talking.
-Not me. You keep saying "Nip"!
-Not bad.
Sir, we shall now escort you
to your hotel.
Get in!
-Up shit creek again!
They're here.
On this road.
It's going planned.
Very good, Katano.
Let me hear them.
Spring Roll
come in.