Hey, Emilien, come in!
-Do you hear me?
-Loud 'n' clear.
We just left.
1st trap. Be with you in 20 minutes.
20 minutes to warm up.
What about us?
What can we do for 20 minutes?
I don't know.
Any ideas?
Yeah, but 20 centimeters... minutes is too short!
Oh yeah? So, we need an idea,
we could start now and finish later
Yes, that'd work!
But... I too... have an idea,
I'm sure... you'll really like it.
-Oh yeah?
-It may be the same one.
That'd be marvelous!
It'd be ideal! Go on, you first.
Make the most of these few quiet moments...
to ...
-learn Japanese!
It wasn't the same idea.
He won't see much of Marseille.
Sorry, he's suffering from jetlag.
May I ask...
why your boss is here?
To sign very big contract
and see anti-gang method.
-He'll sure see that!
-You know method?
Sure I do!
1st, the suspect.
He is probably guilty.
A foreigner is doubly suspect!
There's the guilty.
Foreign, tanned suspect!
He's had it! If he's tanned
he just sun-bathes and does nothing all day.
He is a suspect! So, he's guilty.
Faultless logic!
-That boy any good?
-Very good.
A doctor, friend of my daughter's.
Something tells me
they're flirting.