The 6th Day

I'm Dr. Griffin Weir. Welcome to the
new Weir Organ Transplant Facility.

Thanks for visiting
Replacement Technologies.

Doctor, protesters claim
that cloning human organs...

... will lead to cloning whole humans.
That's not only illegal, we're years
from the technology to do it.

A human was cloned over 1 0 years ago.
And we know the outcome
of that bizarre experiment.

If you recall, the Supreme Court
ordered the clone be destroyed...

...and I think that was
the humane thing to do.

It led to laws against
human cloning...

...and set back the course of
legitimate research by years.

Mr. Drucker! You gave--
This is Dr. Weir's night, okay?
Is it true you want to get
the 6th Day laws repealed?

Dr. Weir is interested in medicine,
not politics.

Mr. Drucker, the protesters claim you
run RePet at a loss...

:31:09 soften people
up to human cloning.

You know, we shouldn't forget
that not long ago...

...there were almost no more fish
left in the ocean...

...and half the world's population
faced the threat of hunger.

Cloning technology turned that around.
Extremists won't admit
they'd rather people went hungry...

...than eat cloned fish,
so they yell about human cloning.

Do you think human cloning laws
should be changed?

Suppose a 1 0-year-old boy is in the
hospital, dying of liver cancer.

Thanks to Dr. Weir's work...
...we can save that boy.
In the next bed lies
another 1 0-year-old boy...

...whose parents love him
just as much...

...only he has
an inoperable brain tumor.

You cannot clone a brain.
The only way to save him
would be to clone the whole person.

How do you tell that boy's parents
that we can save the first boy...

...but the research that would have
saved their son wasn't done...
