...because of a law passed by
frightened politicians a decade ago?
So, what does that mean?
Enjoy the party.
-Looks like you needed rescuing.
-Yes, I did. Thank you.
Weir Clinic, stay away!
No research on DNA!
Weir Clinic, stay away!
No research on DNA!
Hey, boss!
Johnny. How's my star quarterback?
I'd say I felt like a million bucks,
but I'd hate to take a pay cut.
Don't remind me, all right?
That was one nasty hit you took
last week.
Be careful. We don't want you
getting killed.
Katherine? Are you all right?
I'm just feeling
like I don't quite belong.
But I'm fine. Really.
No, you're not.
Should I call Dr. Stevens?
No, no, no.
I just overdid it, that's all.
I'll get a car to take you home.
Thank you.
Mr. Speaker? Thank you so much
for coming. Champagne?
-That was quite a speech.
-You heard that?
Sorry I got carried away.
Your words meant a great deal to me.
As it happens, I have a son
with an inoperable tumor of the brain.
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, sir.
It must have been in my subconscious,
knowing you were here.
No, no, it's all right.
Gave me a lot to think about.
It gave me a different view
of the subject.
Mr. Speaker...
...could I offer you a glass of brandy
in my office upstairs?
I was 50 when Billy was born.
I didn't know if I wanted
another kid so late.