You mean two rights
do make a wrong?
I always thought two rights
made a U-turn.
I don't know how much more
ofthis I can take.
Well, let's fii nd out.
Two U-turns make a circle,
two circles make
a figure eight,
two figure eights
make a butterfly...
Look, all I want from
you guys are results. Okay?
It was their first fight.
Andso, racked with
internal conflicts,
they made their way
across the Great Divide
and onto the great plains.
Hey, look at that, Rock!
What a strange looking town!
Andwhile Bullwinkle
ponderedthemodern world,
severalstates back,
Boris andNatasha...
were still tramping
along theroad.
Ifonlywe had
a helicopter.
Butsince they were
in themiddle ofthe desert,
there was obviously
no chance whatsoever
of finding
a helicopter.
Oh, damn!
Natasha, quick.
Great googly moogly!
Holy cow!
What the...?
Hey, listen,
gol-darn it!
That's the third time
this month.
I'm sick and tired
of shopping for helicopters.
Boy, ifl had a missile,
I'd blow your buns
right out ofthe sky!
( Laughing Maniacally)
Yes, Boris and Natasha
were back in business,
but they had no way
of discovering the route
our heroes had taken--