Is it a civil rights march?
Not really...
Is it an anti-war rally?
No, not exactly.
Tell 'em, fellas.
It's a anti-moose march.
Yes, itseems that
araging controversy
had broken out among
the students that very morning
over the decision to give
Bullwinkle an honorary degree--
Gee, Bullwinkle,
I guess it's true.
You can't
go home again.
Why, Rocky!
Whatever doyou mean?
Wossamotta U. is home!
Oh, brother!
Look! There's
the animated freak now!
( Booing )
My fans!
these aren't fans.
This is an angry mob.
Butin the face of danger,
our insipid hero...
bravely made his way
through the angry crowd.
You mean "intrepid hero,"
Hundreds of miles away,
in RedBait, Oklahoma,
it was time for
the prisoners' daily helping
of disgusting slop.
hadsucceededin making Ole,
the simple-minded
but incredibly handsome
prison guard,
fall madly in love
with her.
Presently, Karen promisedto
let him take her to the movies
ifhe would help her
break out of jail.
Could we hold hands
in the movie theatre?
Of course we could, Ole.
But how would we
eat our popcorn?
Well, we could eat
our popcorn with one hand...
and hold hands
with the other.
But what ifl want a soda?